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Our Cows

It’s good for the environment, and it’s good for you.

We enjoy the divine pleasure of serving Gau and Gopala!

Gavyam Pavitram cha Rasayanam cha, Pathayam cha Hridyam Balbudh.

Aayuh Pradm Raktavikarhari, Tridoshridogvisaphm syat, meaning, the five elements that come from the Indian cow are sacred and work as medicine for the heart; they give strength, improve the intellect, enhance life, purify the blood, balance the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas. They cure all diseases and detoxify the body; each word of this statement holds in every sense.

Gir Amritphal

The holy Indian-humped cows are the abode of Gods and are called Kamdhenus (desire fulfiller). The cow is the only divine living being that has a SURYA KETU NADI (vein connected to the Sun) passing through her backbone. Therefore, the desi Indian cow milk, butter, and ghee possess a mystifying golden hue. It is because Surya Ketu Vein, on interaction with sun rays, produces gold salts in the humped desi cows’ blood. These salts are present in the desi Indian cows’ milk and other bodily fluids, which miraculously cures many diseases.

Our herd has 300 Pure Breed, Desi Gir cows – the best Milking Breed that belongs to the humped category of cattle breeds in India and is one of the best milking breeds among indigenous cattle. The breed originated in Gujarat and is named after the Gir forest – the geographical area of origin of the Gir Cow breed.

The Gir cows are very well known for their adaptability & milk-producing capacity and are also known as Bhodali, Desan, Gujarati, Kathiawari, Sorthi, and Surati.

Unique Facts

A few unique facts about one of the purest and oldest breeds of the sacred Desi Gir Cow

Cooperation between humans and cows has existed from times immemorial, and we believe in protecting our rare Indian breeds for our forthcoming generations. We are working tirelessly to sustain this beautiful bond by obtaining and protecting the best germplasm of various rare Indian cow breeds, like Gir, Hariana, Kankrej, Tharparker from the Royal house of Jasdan, Bhadwa, Jamnagar, and Bhavnagar.

We at Gir Amritpal are ardent devotees of Lord Krishna & firm believers of Ahimsa, and our male calves are as dear to us as our female calves.

We depend on our female Gir cows for milk production for sale, but only after all our calves are fully fed, and not just this, we tend to our male calves, who, in return, help us plough the farm using the ancient methods. Our bulls move the shaft around an axis for the production of electricity, and the very healthy ones, also serve the purpose of breeding.

Our cattle, all young and old, male or female, stay with us for their entire life span.

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