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What Is Organic Milk?


Organic milk is a very healthy way to keep you alive.  It differs from normal or conventional milk in three very specific ways. It must come from cows that are not treated with antibiotics. Also, these cows must not be given hormones for growth or reproduction, and the milk must come from cows who are getting 30 % of their feed by grazing in fresh pastures. This comes to 120 days of a year.

Though it is true that, practices for raising cows to produce organic milk differs. Many follow a baseline of rules and are only approximating the norms. Many meet the minimum requirements, while some give much more pasture time to their cows, rich in nutrients which much improves the quality of their milk. It will be a great practice for the consumers to know the origin or source of their milk, however organic the label screams.

When choosing organic, make sure the synthetic bovine growth hormone, rBST is not being given to the cows in the dairy your milk is coming from. Though, now, even normal dairies are not injecting this hormone into their dairy animals. Reproductive hormones for breeding purposes are given to the cattle in regular farms. Organic cattle are handled more gently and naturally.  This makes it more expensive to afford organic methods in cattle rearing, hence raising the price of organic milk. But it also means that the cows are bred when they are healthy and relating to their own natural cycle, rather than being subjected to these synthetic hormones or antibiotics, which will simulate this natural process at times, atypical. The care given to the organically handled cows is most divine and gentle and sensitive and must be appreciated. The milk is not just more wholesome and nutritious, but also happier and life-giving, and one feels happy that the cows that have gifted it to us are more at peace. The guilt factor is overtaken.

The main reason, there are others, that cows are given antibiotics in normal farms is to prevent mastitis, which is an infection in the tissue of the mammary glands, which can occur during the lactation period of cows. The organic dairy farmers believe that this disease is genetic and they cull out cows with mastitis, from the herd so that the others are not infected. This does away with the need for antibiotics.

Conventional dairy farmers use antibiotics to treat sick cows and then use up their milk. But these cows are withheld from the herd till their antibiotic withholding time is over.

The growth hormone is given to make cows produce more milk. It is like using the animal as a machine. Many a time this milk is wasted, as too much has been produced. Human greed manifested like this should make us feel ashamed of ourselves. We can hardly be called human, with such practices. It is a parallel practice in agriculture. We dump in hordes of fertilizer and pump in illimitable doses of water in the greed for more and more food and money, to follow, not respecting the natural fertility of the earth and the groundwater levels are badly affected and so is the fertility of the soil.

Another factor about organic milk is that it lasts longer as it is heated to 280 degrees Fahrenheit for 2 to 4 seconds.  This is called UHT or Ultra high temperature. This kills any bacteria that maybe they’re in the milk. The process for traditional milk is different only killing bacteria that may make us sick.

So that was a stirrup on organic milk Delhi We conclude by bringing in GirAmritphalorganic milk supplying dairy in Gurgaon, near Delhi.

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Milk in Greater Kailash | Milk in Vasant Kunj

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